We offer four kind of services:

  • Lab: we repair eletronic boards of both industrial and consumer class
  • Software: we develop custom software for mid to large enterprises
  • Cloud: we provide custom private cloud services
  • Consulting: we provide web marketing consulting services

BETA Technologies provides solutions for electronic invoicing for Italy Cusotmers and Suppliers to integrate with your software platform.

Our software platform for electronic invoiving for Italy provides interfaces to receice and to send automatically invoices to the Italian Tax Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate / Sistema di interscambio - SDI) by exposing RESTful web APIs with are customizable to fit your specific needs.

If you need to implement invoicing for Italy, just contact us at and we'll contact you back as soon as possible.

If you don't want to be provided with a complete invoicing for Italy solution, we are available also as consultants to help your software department implement such solutions.

We can help you if your company needs to provide IT support for your customers in Italy.

We offer technical onsite support for hardware deployment, IT support for Server appliances, networking devices, pc and workstations for both the industrial and corporate area.

We can help you with Cloud resources if your company needs to manage Italian customers from abroad.

We'll provide your customer with tailor-made support, hardware setup and on site technical services.

We can work with your DevOps to help increase the automation and integration level between your IT components to help you improve your digitized platform and source more power from your IT cloud infrastructure. As certified AWS architects we can assess the current state of your IT infrastructure and help solve some of the typical challenges such as data lake consolidation, big data parsing and data synchronization.